Friday, April 17, 2009

RocknRolla Johnny Quid Monologue (Piano Speech)

This must be the best Quote from the RocknRolla movie.
Johnny Quid do a Monologue about Irony about smoking. Piano is also played for a nice melody.

Johnny Quid: You see that pack of Virginia killing sticks on the end of the piano?

Pete: Yes.

Johnny Quid: All you need to know about life is retained in those four walls.

Johnny Quid: You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur - the gold packet of king size with a regal insignia, an attractive implication towards grandeur and wealth, the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends, and that, Pete, is a lie.

Johnny Quid: Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion, written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little soldiers of death and in fact trying to kill you and that, Pete, is the truth.

Johnny Quid: Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.

Johnny Quid: That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.

Johnny Quid: That is why you and i love the drugs and that is also why I cannot give that painting back. now please, pass me a light (or lie).

Pete: Oh you are something special, Mr johnny quid.


  1. Been Looking For This , Thanks .

  2. This speech is trying too hard to be profound. Even when this bloke speaks these words, you can see the undertaking of this attempt. As he is playing dramatic piano music, you are supposed to take him as a mastermind of provocative thought, and even his friend considers this fellow a special piece of creative mind. If you have been fooled into thinking this a witty new idea from a poetic mind, i believe you should reconsider, and check out some real

  3. some real...thoughtful expressions of life.

  4. I'd take you seriously if your comment didn't make you sound like a 13 year old writing a film review for media studies.People looked this up because they thought it was a cool speech from a cool film.No one came here to read your two-bit review you foolish person. "a special piece of creative mind" yeah cause you can say shit about peoples writing...pfft.

  5. well i dont no about u guys but i just thought that this was a kick-ass monolouge and i would love to know this better.

  6. Your guys are missing the point. The point is that quid is choosing to do something that he knows is unhealthy and will kill him (smoking drugs- keeping the painting). But he doesn't care about whats right and wrong or whats safe, he likes to party and dosen't give two shits what anyone else has to say about it. He lives one moment to the next, living each moment through his next drug/fix. Rock 'n' rollas want the whole lot. . .

  7. Shallap you munter....FILM WAS BANGING, end of.

  8. dude that was guy ritchie at his best

  9. You start smoking, bitter. You die of it, sweet. Thank you Johnny

  10. U could use it every day life even u don't smoke

  11. the gold in that conversation is the "beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren." part. the rest is plain simple and whoever cannot make a simil like that about life..... must be brainless. cause it really is very simple.

  12. what was the track played wile he was giving the speech?

  13. please i need the piano sheet music! does anybody have them ???

  14. But what does he mean by i can t give the painting back? everything else is clear to me

  15. hey ppl, It's an individual perspective of life. Take it if u wish, else go n continue ur work n bother abt it.

  16. Ahh too comment for comments sake . . The delusion of ganduer is the rock n rolla . . The sigarette a metaphor .
    Life's short like like an embassy regal . . Delicious and short

  17. The one genuine thing I got from the speech was "that which starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet." That much is true enough. The rest, understand, is a sociopathic and probably psychotic junkie trying to manipulate someone by spinning some confusing, pseudo-philosphical yarn. It's not meant to mean anything, it's meant to sound like a smart guy tricking a dumb guy into thinking there's some deep, artistic reason for keeping the painting. There isn't. He just doesn't want to give it back.

  18. His relationship with Lenny is the key to understanding. His childhood, which was already plagued by an absent father and suicidal mother, was less than spectacular and being raised by an abusive sociopath was the icing on the cake (that which begins bitter...). Now finally he has a way to subtly get back at Lenny in the worst kind of way (.. ends sweet). Now even though the absence of the painting has far- reaching and likely unforseen consequences for others, the fact that Lenny is in no small way ruined bc of the painting, is worth the sacrifice of the others. Even Johnny takes a round in the gut as a result, but at the end of the day it is Lennys undoing. The fact is even though he is talking about a stolen painting, the implications go much deeper and in the end it isn't about the painting at all. The painting is just a means to an end. So to those of you saying he's just trying to sound smart or whatever, he is obviously more intelligent than yourselves bc you are missing the underlying meaning and causality of his actions. So before you start knocking an awesome movie and quote just remember that you are probably dumber than the character being portrayed. Good day.
